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How to prepare for the National Physical Therapy ExamIt’s crazy to think how quickly time can pass as we near the April NPTE.  I’ve gotten a question from one reader asking, “Can I prepare for the NPTE in 1 month?”  The short answer is: probably not.

Considering the breadth and scope of the exam, the odds of being successful with ONLY 1 month of preparation is slim to say the least.  However, I have a feeling that there is more to the question.

Literally, there is no way to prepare for the test in 30 days because the registration and payment must be in on March 23, more than 1 month ahead of the test date on April 30, 2013.  Check out my detailed checklist for the April 30, 2013 National Physical Therapy Exam.  But consider this:

  • You have just finished a 3 year program with all of the nitty gritty details required for the exam.
  • You’ve had a number of internships and experiences that will help you apply your information.
  • You have taken numerous exams to pass all of the classes involved in physical therapy school.

You’re likely more prepared than you think you are.  That being said, you should REVIEW like nothing else!  Some of that wonderful knowledge you have hasn’t been dusted off for over 2 years, and it really does begin to fade.  There are numerous review courses and programs that are designed to help you review all of that great information.  Check out my comparison table of some of the most popular study programs.

As always, choose a course that really fits your needs.  I have also put together a sample question bank that reflects some of the important components of the NPTE.  If you need more questions to review, I’ve also put together a 100 Sample NPTE Question Bank.  My purpose is to make you the most prepared student possible for the NPTE.  I challenge you to take my questions and see if they don’t challenge you.  I’ve worked hard to write ones that are as hard or HARDER than the NPTE, so see if you’re up to snuff.

Good luck and happy studying!  Let me know how I can help!

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2 thoughts on “Down to the last few weeks…”

  1. can please give me form for credential evaluation. I m on h 4 visa. n I want to give exam in 23rd July. so reply me as soon as possible. n I want to give for new York license. so , Let me know master is compulsory for new york or not. because I was completed my bachelor in India.
    reply soon

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