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Enroll in the PTA Premium Course

Physical therapy exam prep resoucesWhether you are a PT or PTA student, this is a critical question.  How in the world to you sort through all of that great content you have learned over the last several years  and effectively study for a comprehensive exam?  There are several different guides, and it’s hard to know which one is best.  I’ll do my best to give you the pros and cons of each.

Study System Price Comprehensive Mobile Apps Online Resources Practice Exams
McGraw Hill  $40-60 Yes Yes No 2
Scorebuilders $60-75 Yes Yes No 3
Therapy-Ed $85-90 Yes No No 3

I have detailed each of the systems-please just click on each one to find its dedicated page.  Certainly all of them have their advantages.  Therapy-Ed and Scorebuilders each have on-campus review sessions that you can schedule.  These would be organized 2-day events where you would get a crash course in a very few hours.  The cost isn’t exorbitant, but it didn’t really fit my study style.  I have spoken with some folks that did enjoy it. I will tell you that I chose to use the Scorebuilders’ book and mobile app when I was preparing.  I think the best part about it was being able to just whip out my IPod Touch and going through a dozen questions while I was riding the bus or taking a break between classes. Whichever one you choose, remember to get every ounce of study power out of it.  Study hard and you’ll do well.

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