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Hey everybody!Getting ready for the NPTE

In an earlier post, I detailed some of the most important aspects of the style of questions on the National Physical Therapy Exam.  I feel like it is worth reviewing what to expect about how the questions will be formatted.  I have noticed that there are several websites out there that list “sample NPTE questions” that are not at all like the questions that you will experience on the NPTE.  Here are some of the MOST important aspects of NPTE questions:

  • Each will have 4 multiple choice options.
  • There will not be any questions that have a “d. all of the above/none of the above.”  This is the most common error in sample exams that are created by folks that have not taken the NPTE.
  • There will be no true/false questions.  That would make only 2 options.
  • There will be no “all of the above,” “none of the above,” or “some of the above” choices that refer to list.
  • Of the 4 choices presented, there will very likely be 2 choices that are very similar or correct.  You must choose the MOST correct item (this is what makes the test hard).
  • There is no penalty for answering incorrectly, so answer each question, even if it’s a guess.
  • Some will have pictures to refer to.
  • Some will have a main paragraph that is the base for several questions.
  • You will feel mad about some of the questions.

After taking sample exams and reviewing lots of material, I still came out of the test feeling like I had no idea how I had done.  Then there are the 50 future questions that are placed randomly on the test.  These are questions that may or may not be included in future exams, and there is NO way to tell the difference between the scored ones and the “test” questions.

Bottom line:

Prepare like it’s a really hard test.  If you’re scoring well on practice exams, take that as a good sign but don’t rest on your laurels.  Make sure you really know your stuff and could explain the reason behind each question.

So which study system should you use?  Check out a comparison table that lists some of the more common study guides and their respective costs.  As always, I always appreciate any feedback you have.  Please be sure to email me or leave a comment to let me know how I’m doing.  Happy studying!

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