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Hey everyone,

Just a quick update for the free Google Hangout we had a week ago.  I felt like we were able to discuss a lot of key topics to help you study smarter for the NPTE in October.  You can check out the video on YouTube here:


As a quick reminder, we are beginning the Mastermind Study Group this Saturday.  Please register ASAP if you are planning on taking the October NPTE.

Latest Happenings

Apart from my recent article on prosthetics, I have been furiously preparing for this next Mastermind Study Group.  I have a lot of fun interacting with the students in my class, and I really feel like I’m making a difference.  What I enjoy the most is having phone or skype chats with my students and discussing their individual strengths and weaknesses.

One of the many things that I tell people who are trying to pass the NPTE to do is to get fired up enough about the test that they will knock it out of the park.  If you’ve taken the test and failed it, you need to get so worked up about passing it that you’ll stop at nothing to master the content.

It takes so much time to learn all of the material–in the US, we study in PT school for 3 years.  The only way you can adequately review for it is if you just go bananas on the content.  I’m a firm advocate of an active learning approach, meaning that you synthesize the material and create your own personalized study guide.  This is the best and fastest way to really learn the material so that you can apply it on the exam.

As always, please let me know how I can serve you best.  You can check out my resources page to see what I have available, or you can contact me.  Don’t forget to like PT Final Exam on Facebook!


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