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Online quiz screenshot-001Hey everybody,

As always, I hope this blog post finds you all well and excited about preparing for the NPTE.  I have been working feverishly on a few projects, not the least of which is an online test version of the popular “Free Physical Therapy Exam Question Archive.”  This is by far the most visited page on the site, and I truly appreciate everyone’s support in this project.

Thus, I have taken it to the next level and created an online quiz that simulates the format and timing of the NPTE.  I know there are some other Physical Therapy Exam Quizzes that are available on other sites, but I wanted to make one that REALLY mimicked the National Physical Therapy Exam.  For the question criteria that I use to make these questions, please visit my earlier post describing the critical aspects of an NPTE queston.

The quiz is totally free and available to all students preparing for the PT board exam.  I am so stoked to be able to help you really rock this critical national exam.

One other project that I’m working on is a mastermind study group!  I have heard from some of you about your struggles to pass the NPTE, and I think I can help.  I’m looking for a group of dedicated students that would like to have an interactive study group.  Let me tell you, it is a ton of work studying for the exam!  I want to help direct your studies.  Any of you that are interested can email me at admin@physicaltherapyexamprep.com or comment on this post.

As always, happy studying, and don’t forget to try out the NEW Online Quiz!



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