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Enroll in the PTA Premium Course

GearsCongratulations to those of you who finished the April 2013 NPTE!  I sincerely hope it went well.  I also hope that some of the things that I posted have been of some value to you.

The NPTE is a constantly changing and shifting exam.  It is designed to reflect the most current and up-to-date practice of physical therapists and physical therapist assistants.  I am certain that the exam is more difficult now than it was 2 years ago when I took it.

The FSBPT has very strict rules about sharing exam data and questions, and it is critical that we all obey those guidelines.  That being said, I would like to invite any and all to share their thoughts about the NPTE.

  1. How did the NPTE go?
  2. Was it a fair estimation of your skills?
  3. Would you prepare differently now that you have taken it?

Please comment on this post, or send me an email at admin@physicaltherapyexamprep.com so that we can keep an up-to-date study strategy in place.

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