VIP(T) NPTE Course

PTA Premium Course

Here at PT Final Exam, we believe in being your advocate, your encourager, your coach, and as a team that helps you find your true north in the final step on toward your professional life. Due to popular request, we wanted to make available succinct collections of resources, podcast episodes, and test prep materials gauged for our most common “exam personalities.”

First Timers: Let’s Get It Done RIGHT


“NPTE Courses to Pass the NPTE”

Most who tackle the NPTE are first time exam takers. While there is a wide variety of personalities, test taking habits, exam prep styles, and other factors — there are central aspects to preparation and execution which are applicable to all. From there, individualized fine tuning becomes the key between that awful feeling of “Did I pass?” versus going into the exam knowing that you will pass.

Click on the link below to listen to the podcast episode and explore resources and helpful articles for students ready to stare down the NPTE with confidence.

Let’s Do It Right the First Time!

Life Happenings: I Need To Center Myself.


“Test Day Strategies to DOMINATE the NPTE”

If you find yourself saying to yourself:

  • I’m Nervous.
  • Life is Crazy.
  • I’m Just So Tired.
  • I Don’t Want To Mess This Up.

Of the more common reasons students do not pass the first time around, much of it revolves around life circumstances, test anxiety, focusing skills, and the like. If you ask yourself: Do I struggle with test fatigue and timing?  Do I need some key tips to give you the tools to pass the NPTE? Are there linguistic challenges I’m facing in taking the NPTE?  If any of those are, “Yes” — then, this podcast dives into some of the critical aspects of test day to make sure that you PASS the NPTE!

Click on the link below to listen to the podcast episode and explore resources and helpful articles for those preparing for the NPTE with complex circumstances.

I Choose To Conquer This, TOGETHER.

Failure Isn’t Final: Rise Up. Finish Strong!


“I Failed the NPTE…What Do I Do?”

Did you fail the NPTE?  If so, you’re not alone.  Over 10% of NPTE candidates fail on their first attempt, and it can be a very frustrating, demoralizing experience. In this episode, we talk about the phases of grief associated with a failed NPTE attempt, and then give you actionable steps to crush your next attempt!

Click on the link below to listen to the podcast episode and explore resources and helpful articles that let you know: You are not alone. You will overcome. You will succeed!

I Will Rise Up and Crush This Thing!

I Won’t Give Up: Unique Circumstances and Last Minute Tips To Make ALL the Difference


Last Minute Tips for the NPTE

For many who are taking the NPTE for yet another round, there are often external factors involved. Sometimes, one requires special test taking environments. Other times, there might be a language barrier. In other circumstances, life was just as mess… and, that’s okay.

Whatever the case, we are here to help. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to pass the NPTE?  Look no further!  We take you through some of the most important tips you need to know in order to master and conquer the NPTE.

Click on the link below to listen to the podcast episode and explore resources and helpful articles for those retaking the NPTE with challenging circumstantial concerns.

Never Give Up. Finish The Job!

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