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Great webinar everyone.  My whole goal is to help make your NPTE experience a little less stressful, and I think it was great to have you all there.  This was my first public webinar and we had well over 300 participants!  I was totally blown away by the response.

To sum up some of the things mentioned in the webinar, here are a few thoughts:

  • You can check out the PowerPoint pdf here with all of the details Google Hangout on Air 7-15-2014
  • My Mastermind Study Group is a live course that I offer to students who are preparing for the NPTE.  This has been a wonderful resource for many students, and I love being able to interact with you on a personal basis to help you pass the NPTE.
  • If group study is not your thing, you can purchase the materials and 8 hours’ worth of recordings to have the PT Final Exam: Home Study Bundle which includes the videos, practice questions, and lecture notes.
  • I am in the beginning stages of offering a combo internship at the hospital where I work.  This would count as a clinical internship through your school or you could do it for your own benefit.  My goal is to create an environment where we can have tons of clinical practice combined with frequent NPTE quizzing and studying.  Did I mention that there is free housing provided and 4-5 meals per week?  Please contact me if you’re interested.
  • We answered a ton of questions, and I would love to answer more.  Please let me know in the comment section if you’re interested in another Google Hangout and what you would like addressed.

As always, it’s my pleasure to serve you.  Please take the time to “like” PT Final Exam on Facebook to help get the word out.  I wish you all the best in your studies!

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2 thoughts on “Follow-up to July 15 Hangout”

  1. Chandrika Gupta

    Hi sir
    If I only want the practice question from your mastermind classes how much it will charge.

    Thank you.

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