Best 3 Review Guides
A quick list of the most used and up to date review guides on the market
As I’ve mentioned before, to be successful on the NPTE requires a deep and thorough understanding of all of the material listed on the FSBPT Content Outline. This can be a daunting task due to the breadth and scope of the topics listed.
Having a good review book is a critical step to passing the NPTE and one that I recommend to everyone getting ready for the exam. Here is a list of the best review books.
Best NPTE Book #1
PTEXAM: The Complete Study Guide
, Scorebuilders
Why Buy? If you’re looking for a great all-in-one study guide, this is the one for you. This book includes 3 full practice exams and is fully equipped to help you pass the NPTE. Perhaps PTEXAM’s greatest strength is that the information is organized in a great easy to use format, with colorful charts and tables to help you stay organized. While it is not as complete as some other guides, it is certainly a great resource for your studies.
Best NPTE Book #2
National Physical Therapy Examination: Review & Study Guide 2014
Why Buy? As far as study guides go, this is likely the most complete of the NPTE study guides. I like this book for it’s detail and bullet points. This book also includes 3 practice exams that are purported to be “more difficult” than the NPTE itself. What it lacks in color and readability, it more than makes up for with detail and depth. For individuals without a great library of standard PT books, this is a great all-in-one guide
(New) Best NPTE Book #3
PT Final Exam Study Guide and Practice Exam
Why Buy? The most economical study guide ($49), but perhaps the most complete due to the digital content, PT Final Exam has an awesome resource for students preparing for the NPTE. This guide is full of handy tables and detailed explanation of difficult concepts. With numerous hyperlinks to pertinent information on the web, this study guide is perfect for students who are sick of carrying around heavy books and always wishing they had a digital copy. Authored by Will Crane, DPT, this ebook is a great addition to your library. A 30 day satisfaction guarantee applies!
You can also download the full PT Final Exam: Home Study Bundle which includes this study guide as well as 8 hours’ worth of lectures and expert advice for the NPTE.
Physical Therapy Textbooks
The NPTE is not written out of the review books–rather, the writers take the material directly out of the standard physical therapy textbooks used at most schools. Here is a list of just a few of them.
Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 6e (Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation)
Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques (Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques)
Physical Rehabilitation (O’Sullivan, Physical Rehabilitation)
Muscles: Testing and Function, with Posture and Pain (Kendall, Muscles)
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy, Second Edition: An Evidence-Based Approach
More resources:
PT Final Exam: Home Study Bundle
200 Question Sample Physical Therapy Exam
A Letter to Those that Failed the NPTE
1 thought on “Best 3 Books for the NPTE (including 1 Brand New One)”
Thanks I will try these books.
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