Study Smarter
& Pass the NPTE!
Study Smarter &Pass the NPTE!
Study Smarter
& Pass the
What's your study style?
Dr. Abbey Malamut
Dr. Hannah Hubbard
Dr. Angelika Pel
I found out about Alex Pisanello's private tutoring only a couple of weeks before the NPTE. I was burned out and frustrated after 3 months of trying to study alone. Alex was able to clearly explain material that I struggled with as well as give me test taking strategies and statistics that reduced my stress and gave me confidence when taking the NPTE. After being right on the edge with practice tests, I was able to pass the NPTE on my first try thanks to his guidance. Alex is VERY well versed in the material and extremely knowledgeable about all things PTA testing and NPTE. If you are struggling... more
Alex at PT Final Exam was an absolute game-changer in my NPTE journey. After missing my first attempt by 2 questions and failing my second attempt just a month after having my first daughter, I felt defeated. Alex’s personalized guidance, encouragement, and expert strategies helped me regain focus and confidence. Completing my undergrad and doctorate in less than four years while having my first daughter was no small feat. After graduation, I studied for the NPTE while working full-time on a temp license. By the time I connected with Alex, I was juggling three jobs and caring for my newborn... more
Will Crane shares a wealth of knowledge that is incredibly helpful for the NPTE. I first learned about his class while listening to his podcast on Spotify. I was initially skeptical about the VIP course because it seemed expensive, but he goes above and beyond to teach all the material needed to pass—even covering details that might not have been taught in school but could appear on the exam. He takes the time to go over all the systems required for the NPTE and related PEAT/practice questions, explaining the critical thinking process step by step. Will genuinely wants to help students succeed... more
Dr. Abbey Malamut
Dr. Hannah Hubbard
Dr. Angelika Pel
I found out about Alex Pisanello's private tutoring only a couple of weeks before the NPTE. I was burned out and frustrated after 3 months of trying to study alone. Alex was able to clearly explain material that I struggled with as well as give me test taking strategies and statistics that reduced my stress and gave me confidence when taking the NPTE. After being right on the edge with practice tests, I was able to pass the NPTE on my first try thanks to his guidance. Alex is VERY well versed in the material and extremely knowledgeable about all things PTA testing and NPTE. If you are struggling with any concepts and would also like added confidence and calm approaching your NPTE I would not hesitate to schedule a session with Alex.
Founder's Story
Dr. Will Crane DPT, OCS is the founder and lead instructor at PT Final Exam. Not only does Dr. Crane have a passion for teaching, he is also a practicing PT with nearly a decade of practice experience to help augment student learning.
Since 2012, thousands of PT and PTA students around the world have been using PT Final Exam as their go-to resource to conquer the board exams and Pass the NPTE & NPTAE.
When PT Final Exam began in 2012, the whole purpose was to become an awesome resource for students preparing for their board exams.
Because PT Final Exam was built from the ground up with this ideal, it’s no wonder that we have quickly come to the top of the PT Exam Preparation heap.
PT Final Exam is the highest-rated online review course, and we put our money where our mouth is. If you’re not totally satisfied with the teaching or the content, you can get a cheerful refund.*
We publish real customer reviews (not just hand-picked testimonials), so you can see what other students are really saying about our products! We’re up to over 700, and growing every month.
Give it a try! You’ll be glad you did, and you just might make a good friend along the way.
*Details regarding refunds can be found on course pages
Founder's Story
Dr. Will Crane DPT, OCS is the founder and lead instructor at PT Final Exam. Not only does Dr. Crane have a passion for teaching, he is also a practicing PT with nearly a decade of practice experience to help augment student learning.
Since 2012, thousands of PT and PTA students around the world have been using PT Final Exam as their go-to resource to conquer the board exams and Pass the NPTE & NPTAE.
When PT Final Exam began in ’12, the whole purpose was to become an awesome resource for students preparing for their board exams.
Because PT Final Exam was built from the ground up with this ideal, it’s no wonder that we have quickly come to the top of the PT Exam Preparation heap.
Final Exam is the highest-rated online review course, and we put our money where our mouth is. If you’re not totally satisfied with the teaching or the content, you can get a cheerful refund within 14 days.
We publish real customer reviews (not just hand-picked testimonials), so you can see what other students are really saying about our products! We’re up to over 300, and growing every month.
Give it a try! You’ll be glad you did, and you just might make a good friend along the way.
Innovative. Fun. Effective.
Check it out – you’ll be glad you did!
Whether you’re looking for practice exams, a self-paced refresher
course or a full live online review course, PT Final Exam
has everything you need to help you pass the NPTE & NPTAE!
Innovative. Fun. Effective.
Check it out – you’ll be glad you did!
PT Final Exam has everything you need to help you pass the NPTE & NPTAE!
Innovative. Fun. Effective. Check
it out – you’ll be glad you did!
Whether you’re looking for a self-paced refresher course or a full live online review course, PT Final Exam has everything you need for the NPTE & NPTAE!
Take the Full
Practice Exams
With 1000+ high-quality NPTE and NPTAE practice
questions, our practice exams are designed to give you a
snapshot of how you will perform on the NPTE or NPTAE.
Take the Full Practice Exams
The National Physical Therapy Exam (or NPTE) is the measuring stick by which all new physical therapy graduates are measured. To get into PT school, you had to overcome many course exams, and most PT schools require the GRE to even apply, but the NPTE is in a league of its own.
As of 2023, there are 38,879 students enrolled in 306 PT programs and 10,171 students enrolled in 391 PTA programs throughout the USA according to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). Each of these students must graduate from a CAPTE accredited school and take and pass the NPTE in order to begin their career as an entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy or Physical Therapist Assistant.
The NPTE is an exam that is designed to not just test the basic recall memory of PT and PTA students. From personal experience, I can tell you that the questions on the NPTE really stretch your skills of clinical reasoning and putting multiple subject materials into on problem. The entire exam is comprised of multiple choice questions that can trick even the most seasoned veterans.
The NPTE is administered through the chain of Prometric testing centers throughout the country. Upon completion of the exam, the score is then transmitted to licensing authority of the state in which you are applying. The minimum passing score is identical for all state licensing boards.
This is probably the hardest question to answer. The short answer is 600/800.
The long answer is this:
The PT exam has 225 questions on it, but only 180 are scored and the PTA has 180 questions on it, but only 140 are scored. They add extra questions to “test” their testability to make sure they are not too hard or too easy. When you are taking the test, THERE IS NO WAY to distinguish these unscored items from the scored questions. Therefore, answer every question like it counts!
Each question is then scaled into the perfect 800 score. The FSBPT then tweaks the passing score of 600 up or down to give some leeway for a test that is “too easy,” or “too hard.” Above 600 and you pass the NPTE. Below 600 and you fail the NPTE.
The bottom line is that you have no way of knowing if your test is “easy” or “hard,” so I would recommend not worrying about the details. Just do your best and study all of the available material. Here are the current pass rates published by FSPBT.
The FSBPT is clear in its development standards for the NPTE. The questions used for the exam all come from common, core physical therapy textbooks (Magee, O’Sullivan, etc.)
Each question is written based on the information found in these textbooks. That being said, NPTE questions always have some sort of clinical spin or PT application on them.
This means that not only do you need to know the information in the PT textbooks. You need to also understand it well enough to apply it to novel situations.
One of my favorite ways to teach material is via case studies. As we deconstruct a real PT case, we can talk about how to apply the textbook knowledge to the case. This not only helps students get to know the content on the exam, it also helps them apply the material in PT setting, thus becoming more proficient clinicians.
Key strategies to pass the NPTE include:
- Use the core PT textbooks as a foundation
- Practice applying content to clinical scenarios
- Interact with the material actively (workbooks are great!)
- Digest the content and try explaining it aloud
- Learn the blueprint for the NPTE so there are no surprises
We go over all of these things in our NPTE review courses. You’ll be able to easily see why we’ve been so successful in helping students achieve their dreams and pass the NPTE!
Nothing hurts worse than failing the NPTE. To see the word “fail” after so much hard work is so discouraging.
A while ago, I wrote an article addressing some of the negative emotion that comes after a failed NPTE attempt. You can see the full article here.
Basically, remember that the NPTE does not define you–it only refines you. Don’t let this exam keep you down. Channel all of that negative emotional energy and work to crush the NPTE on your next attempt.
PT Final Exam is among the few programs recognized as providers of state-required remediation. This is especially helpful for students who reside in states that require remediation after a few attempts on the NPTE.
We provide certificates of completion that can be used during the NPTE registration process. For more information, click here.
The National Physical Therapy Exam (or NPTE) is the measuring stick by which all new physical therapy graduates are measured. To get into PT school, you had to overcome many course exams, and most schools require the GRE to even apply, but the NPTE is in a league of its own.
As of 2012, there are 24,848 students enrolled in 211 PT programs throughout the USA according to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). Each of these students must graduate from a CAPTE accredited school and take and pass the NPTE in order to begin their career as an entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy.
The NPTE is an exam that is designed to not just test the basic recall memory of PT students. From personal experience, I can tell you that the questions on the NPTE really stretch your skills of clinical reasoning and putting multiple subject materials into on problem. The entire exam is comprised of multiple choice questions that can trick even the most seasoned veterans.
The NPTE is administered through the chain of Prometric testing centers throughout the country. Upon completion of the exam, the score is then transmitted to licensing authority of the state in which you are applying. The minimum passing score is identical for all state licensing boards.
The FSBPT is clear in its development standards for the NPTE. The questions used for the exam all come from common, core physical therapy textbooks (Magee, O’Sullivan, etc.)
Each question is written based on the information found in these textbooks. That being said, NPTE questions always have some sort of clinical spin or PT application on them.
This means that not only do you need to know the information in the PT textbooks. You need to also understand it well enough to apply it to novel situations.
One of my favorite ways to teach material is via case studies. As we deconstruct a real PT case, we can talk about how to apply the textbook knowledge to the case. This not only helps students get to know the content on the exam, it also helps them apply the material in PT setting, thus becoming more proficient clinicians.
Key strategies to pass the NPTE include:
- Use the core PT textbooks as a foundation
- Practice applying content to clinical scenarios
- Interact with the material actively (workbooks are great!)
- Digest the content and try explaining it aloud
- Learn the blueprint for the NPTE so there are no surprises
We go over all of these things in our NPTE review courses. You’ll be able to easily see why we’ve been so successful in helping students achieve their dreams and pass the NPTE!
PT Final Exam is among the few programs recognized as providers of state-required remediation. This is especially helpful for students who reside in states that require remediation after a few attempts on the NPTE.
We provide certificates of completion that can be used during the NPTE registration process.
PTFE is Trusted By Over 20,000
DPT Students (and growing).
Toward NPTE Success with PTFE Today!
PTFE is Trusted By Over 10,000 DPT Students
(and growing).
Toward NPTE Success with PTFE Today!