Thanks to all of you for taking time out of your busy study schedule to visit this blog about preparing for the National Physical Therapy Exam. I know that it can be nerve-wracking trying to figure out how best to put things together for such an important step. My goal for this site is to make your life a little easier.
First, a little about me. I am a graduate from the University of Utah, class of 2011 Doctor of Physical Therapy program. I remember how challenging it was trying to figure out how to prepare for the big board exam at the end of the program, and to be honest, I was scared stiff. I felt like my studying really lacked any sort of purpose or vision. The good news is that I passed and did really well on the exam. Along the road, I had a few thoughts that might be able to help some of you out.
- Relax: After all, how bad could it be? You have been studying material for 3 straight years, and some of the stuff you studied is bound to have lodged itself deep in your brain matter.
- Take a deep breath: ponder ways you could organize your efforts and develop a plan. Find a study guide that works for you and stick to it. Find some friends to help you study and make you accountable.
- Start EARLY! It is incredibly important to make a plan about 4-6 months before the exam (even earlier is better) and then get started! You cannot expect to cram for this one and come out alright. Even if it’s just a little bit each day, get going!
In future posts to come, I want to help you all come up with great ways to study and discuss common themes and questions from the exam. Please email me if I can be of any assistance to you personally!