Enroll now for the VIP(T) Course

Enroll in the PTA Premium Course

Mastermind Study Group Cover ImageHey everybody,

I am excited to announce the times and dates for the next session of the Mastermind Study Group.  I have been working hard in research and development, and I’m very pleased to begin enrollment in the MSG December 2013 in preparation for the January 29, 2014 NPTE.  The session dates and times are: Session dates and times will be:

December 14, 7:30 AM MDT—Introduction

December 21, 7:30 AM MDT—Review Week 1 assignment and exam

December 28, 7:30 AM MDT—Review Week 2 assignment and exam

January 4, 7:30 AM MDT—Review Week 3 assignment and exam

January 11, 7:30 AM MDT—Review Week 4 assignment and exam, wrap-up

January 11-29, 2013—Personal review with email Q&A

January 29, 2013—NPTE

[button size=”small” link=”/” style=”solid” icon=”laptop” link=”https://gum.co/MSG12-2013″ bg_color=”#606060″ text_color=”#ffffff linking=”default”]Register Now![/button]

The cost for participation is US $249 and is designed for first-time test takers as well as candidates who are retaking the exam.  When I began creating this website and course 1 year ago, I had a vision to create something different from the other test-preparation programs out there.  I heard from numerous students that they needed some direct guidance from a practicing physical therapist who could answer their questions personally and promptly.  This course is also designed to be comprehensive in nature—we will go over and create a study guide for every category of the FSBPT’s content outlines (check out the syllabus here).  We will finish the personal study guides on by January 11 which will give participants almost 3 weeks to review any weak points prior to the exam.

During the course, students will correspond with me primarily through email.  I try to get all emails answered within a few hours of receiving them, and almost certainly within 24 hours.  For students with more detailed questions, I can also schedule personal Skype chats to answer them briefly.

Why join the MSG instead of other study programs?

Here’s what past students have said about the course:

HI WILL!!!!!

 Guess what????? I have AMAZING news!!! I PASSED THE BOARDS!!!!!!!!! 🙂 

 I am SOOOO excited I cannot/ have not been able to sleep! I am still in shock and keep reloading the page to see if its real. Still does not feel real yet! lol. 

 Most of all though, I wanted to thank you again. For everything. I wanted to thank you for picking me up when I felt like the world was crashing around me and I was all alone my “fail” grade. I wanted to thank you for giving me hope and encouragement and helping me to see the light and that it is possible and that I CAN STILL do this! Thank you for showing me a different approach to studying which I felt made all the difference. And lastly and most importantly, thank you for believing in me & encouraging me to fist pump!! 🙂 I will never forget it.

 I Hope you continue to help other students like me out there, who are struggling to see the light right now; and help them make it through this last “hill” before we can go out into the world and truly make a difference. 

Thank you again!

B., New York


Hey Will,

 just had to email yo and let you know I did in fact pass!! Thanks for all your help.

A. Maryland


I wanted to send an email of encouragement saying I think you did an excellent job with your independent course that you’ve created.  I hope this class gave you a lot of ideas and further improved your course so that you will continue the course.

Thanks for all your help and all you can do now is pray for us that we can all move on with our lives and not be stuck in this horrid situation of debts and no opportunity for a PT position.  It has been very difficult and stressful, but God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle.  Have to stay positive.

M. Kansas


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  I am working hard and basing my reputation on providing an excellent product, so your satisfaction is GUARANTEED!


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