VIP(T) NPTE Course

PTA Premium Course

Guarantee & Till-You-Pass Access

Hey guys,

If you’re reading this, then you’re anxious to know what Will Crane is willing to do to guarantee his product and get you through the board exam!  Let me sum up–


I offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee on all my products (usually 7 days, up to 14 days if specified).  This is meant to give you the chance to test-drive the material to see if it’s a good fit.  If you’re not satisfied in the first 7 days, you can get all of your money back, no problemo.

Till-You-Pass Access

This is a fun one that I rolled out in 2017.  This is meant to really help students who need more time to pass the exam and who need a little more support to do so.  The increased cost represents a big investment in time/manpower to get all of your questions answered.

The FSBPT limits exam attempts to 6 in a lifetime.  Thus, in my Till-You-Pass products, you can access the material for up to 6 live course series.  Because you can take the exam up to 3 times each year, I also place a time limit of 24 months to get those 6 attempts completed.

The membership is set to auto-expire every 6 months, so you’ll need to verify your continued membership with a score report to continue your Till-You-Pass Access.  Simply email with your score report to extend your access.