Enroll now for the VIP(T) Course

Enroll in the PTA Premium Course

Decrease your test anxiety and increase your score!

On July 15, 2014 at 7:00 PM MDT, I will be hosting a free NPTE Preparation Webinar designed to help students of all levels prepare for the national board exam.  This is a project that I’ve been working on for some time now and stems from numerous requests for more free information about the NPTE.

This free webinar is being hosted through YouTube with Hangouts On Air.  The link to join the hangout is https://plus.google.com/events/cq3vbtsiggdr24og75tqc7uo4cg

GroupI’m very excited to host this HOA for a couple of reasons.  First, it gives me another opportunity to interact with you and listen to your questions in addition to the Mastermind Study Group that I host for each exam.  Having all of you together also creates a miniature support group that I’ve found can really energize you, especially if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing.

During this webinar, we’ll talk a lot about what to expect on the NPTE and what you need to do to prepare.  We’ll discuss the basics of the exam and the application process and then focus most of our time on the material that is tested and how you can put together a winning study plan that decreases your test anxiety and improves your performance.

At the end of the discussion, I’ll be giving a special offer and make a few exciting announcements.  I’m super stoked about the whole deal and I can’t wait to get the ball rolling on the next phase of PT Final Exam.  Be sure to stick around to the end so you don’t miss out—it’s going to be a killer deal, including the beta version my new ebook and 8 hours’ worth of video lecture that is going to change the way you prepare for this exam!

Check out the hangout page at https://plus.google.com/events/cq3vbtsiggdr24og75tqc7uo4cg  and make sure not to miss out on July 15, 2014 at 7:00 PM MDT.

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