VIP(T) NPTE Course

PTA Premium Course

Hey everybody,

As always, I hope that things are going well for you in your studies. Has been a while since I’ve posted, and I feel like it’s important to update everyone on what projects I’ve been working on. As you know, PT Final Exam has been growing by leaps and bounds, becoming a major player in the NPTE preparation marketplace. For me, this is a huge honor and responsibility but I take very seriously. I spent a lot of time pondering on how I can help students better achieve their dreams by passing the NPTE.

Over the years that I’ve been doing this, I’ve come to realize that no 2 students are exactly alike. It is not uncommon for me to get students that are fresh out of school just getting ready to begin their new careers. On the opposite side of the spectrum, I get a steady stream of students who have been out of practice for at least 5 to 10 years and are trying to reenter the field after letting their license lapse.

It’s both fun and a challenge trying to cater to the needs of everybody involved. I get the biggest kick out of helping people pass the NPTE, especially if they have been struggling with organization or have failed the NPTE a few times. It doesn’t take long to see in the customer reviews on my NPTE preparation course (Mastermind Study Course) the joy and energy that comes from finally passing the NPTE.

Tips for Passing the July ExamJuly 2016 Exam

The most common question I receive on my website is, “how do I prepare for the NPTE?” This is usually a question that comes in the few weeks before each exam date. As we coast into the July 2016 NPTE, I figured it would be a good time to review some of the most common tips that I give students as they approach this huge exam.

  1. Stay calm. Remember, you are part of a very elite group of people in this world who are qualified to practice as physical therapists. You are very good at what you do, and you should feel confident in your abilities to successfully help people rehabilitate from their injuries. You are awesome!
  2. Study effectively. What I mean by this is that it is important to have what I call “high-density” study time. The best way to create high-density study time is to eliminate distractions and create a plan. This means that Facebook needs to be turned off, and you need to be in “study mode” as you go through the material. Get a piece of paper and map out what study time you have available, and then plug in critical information into all of those available study times. This way, when you finish with each study session, you will have accomplished something and have mastered a specific topic.
  3. Make a plan. Prior preparation prevents poor performance. Plan out your test today and how you are going to effectively attack the exam. Make sure that you have prepared carefully how you are going to get to your testing center and what time you need to leave in order to get there on time. Have all of the necessary documentation and identification easily accessible and ready to go for test date. Make sure the you have a plan B just in case something goes wrong (because something always does).

PTA Review Course

Another exciting announcement that I have is that I have begun a PTA Mastermind Course. This has been something that many students have requested in the past, and I’m excited to now offer awesome and effective preparation for the NPTAE exam.

We will begin the PTA Mastermind Course on July 30. I won’t go too much and the details here, but you can definitely read up about all of the details and schedule here:

This is in addition to my awesome NPTE Mastermind Course that will begin in the middle of August.

As always, I hope that you will reach out to me if you have any specific questions about how to prepare for the NPTE. This is a passion of mine, and it has been my privilege to help thousands of students passed their board exams and begin the career of their dreams.

Happy studying and keep in touch!

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